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What are you currently doing to keep your sales pipeline filled? or what are you doing to keep in touch with previous customers, customers that have landed on your website or saw one of your social media posts but haven’t shopped with you yet?
Email marketing is a form of direct màrqueting that uses electronic mail (correu electrònic) as a means of communicating commercial or fundraising messages to an audience. Email marketing is sending emails with the purpose of enhancing the relationship of a merchant with its current or previous customers and to encourage customer loyalty and repeat business.
Build for tomorrow
Let’s create a sales and marketing machine that delivers you endless clients for years to come
I want to be clear; email marketing is a marathon, not a sprint. Getting the basics in place is fundamental. Over time, strategies will change, new tactics will emerge but the fundamentals you’re investing in today will always serve you.
Foundations of a palace
The Four Pillars of Email Marketing Success
Data Capture
One of the primary ways to fail at email marketing is to not have a way for people to get on your list.
It sounds obvious but it’s crazy how many businesses claim to have tried building their list, yet looking at their website leaves you struggling to sign up.
This doesn’t mean spam a signup form all over your website but it does mean intelligently presenting your audience with an opportunity and a good reason to sign up at the right moments in their experience.
We have 19 different strategies for list building on your website to draw from. Our experience teaches us which ones to use at what times. Finding the balance between obvious but not annoying.
We will do a survey of your website and put together a list of recommendations for your web team so they can implement this easily.
Lead Magnet
We mentioned just above giving your visitors a “good reason” to sign up to your list. En 2001 you could just ask. These days, it’s like your left lung isn’t a good enough trade for an email address.
There is, fortunately, a science to it.
Present the right “bribe” using the right wording to the right person at the right time and it’s a no-brainer. We will conduct an over-the-phone interview with you to determine what we can create as a lead magnet and will make suggestions.
Common lead magnets can be:
Multi-part courses
Free samples
Free consultation sessions
and more…
During our discovery, we will recommend the best lead magnet type in conjunction with your skills and knowledge, value to the audience and what gaps there are in the market.
Email Marketing Platform
No email marketing strategy will work without an email marketing platform. You’re already using MailChimp which will more than do the trick. At some point, it might be worth moving to something slightly more heavy duty but until you have the numbers to fund it, we can stick with MailChimp.
This is where so many fall down. They start out well then life gets in the way and before you know it you haven’t sent an email out for 4 mesos. Not ideal.
There are three ways to play this:
- Do the whole thing with autoresponders. This means we design the experience which could last upwards of a year for each, then simply add people to it. You don’t have to write anything.
- Have a series of emails scheduled so we write them in batches. The advantage of this is you can be a little more current with your content.
- Pick one of the above and add random emails to it for any current events, timely offers etc. This gives you the automated element so you don’t need to think about it daily but allows you to interject for certain events.
We recommend the third option but all three work wonderfully.
The Ultimate Email Marketing Strategy Delivered in 6 Weeks
About this plan
When you’ve been designing email campaigns for 10+ anys, you figure out what works well and what doesn’t.
Avui, you can benefit from my decade of research; successes and failures, for a fraction of the price.
This process in total will take exactly 6 weeks assuming we can all stick to deadlines. We refuse to have it take longer but it won’t take less, simply because it would be impossible to get this amount of content written at the standard we demand of ourselves.
Here’s the process we will go through together to get you a world-class email marketing campaign designed and live.
The Process, Step-by-Step
Step 1 | Lead Magnet Discovery Call
This is a structured process which helps us gather the ideas for a possible ‘lead magnet’ which will then be used to “bribe” (in a nice way) your visitors for their email address.
Step 2 | We will suggest ideas, discuss and decide on 2 o bé 3 potential options
There are a ton of different considerations when choosing a lead magnet. We will present the best three to you.
Step 3 | Put this lead magnet on the website and test response
En definitiva, our opinion doesn’t matter and neither does yours to a point. The only opinion that matters is
that of your audience. We will test the lead magnets on your site and see which one converts best.
Step 4 | Create the winning one
Once we have a winner, we’ll head to the lab and get writing.
Step 5 | Discuss the content map based on the winning lead magnet
Once the lead magnet is decided, we can start deciding how we get your new subscribers from
reading the lead magnet, to receiving a series of email campaigns that get them to take action.
Step 6 | Clip it all together and launch
The plan is in place, everything is mapped out, we write the campaigns and load
it all into your chosen email marketing software.
Step 7 | Test and measure signup methods
Nothing in marketing is ever complete. There’s always a case of testing and measuring.
We will constantly keep an eye on open/click-through rates and make sure any leaking buckets are fixed.
We start today
It goes without saying that we’d love to get started and have you onboard as a client. As with everything in our business, we make things as simple as possible.