3 email marketing tips to increase engagement | Marketing Dive

3 email marketing tips to increase engagement | Marketing Dive

The popularity of email has increased exponentially since it was first introduced to the public in the mid-1990s. A mere 10 million people had an email account in 1997. By 2018, that number had risen to at least three billion and is still climbing.

Because of the large number of people using email, many marketers have developed in-depth email marketing campaigns to build their customer base. Email marketing is similar to billboard marketing in that it’s easy to reach an enormous number of would-be customers who are just passing through. The trick, as with all marketing, is converting email opens into successful sales and increased brand loyalty.

Current Trends in Email Marketing

It’s true that social media has become increasingly popular over the past decade or more, but email is still an essential online marketing tool. The latest Adobe Consumer Email Survey revealed the average person spends more than three hours a day on work emails. That’s on top of the 2.5 hours they spend checking and responding to personal email. The survey also showed that, despite competition from social media platforms, email use is up 17% year-over-year.

Not only are people still using email as a major form of communication, it turns out that most people are checking email everywhere, all the time. The researchers found that 86% of people check their personal emails before leaving for work, including 28% who check email before even getting out of bed. Throughout the day, people are checking email in the car, while exercising, and even in the bathroom. Email has become an expected and anticipated part of everyday life for millions of people, even for millennials, who are often associated with the latest in tech and social engagement.

In 2017, Fluent, Inc. conducted a survey that focused on the driving forces and consumer habits of millennials and found that, out of all digital advertising methods surveyed, email is the most effective—more than social media, website ads, and promotional text messages. More than two out of three millennials reported that promotional emails have influenced their purchasing decisions.

The reason so many customers are reporting that emails have influenced their purchases is because marketers have gotten smarter about their campaigns. Emails that contain clear calls to action are both vital and effective. The results of a 2016 marketing professional survey revealed that 80% of respondents named email as their most useful tool for customer acquisition and retention, far ahead of organic search results and social media.

This further drives home the point that customers who respond to email marketing are often looking for a way to further engage with brands. Email marketers can capitalize on that built-in interest, leading to higher per sale revenue and increased brand loyalty.

3 Ways You Can Improve Your Email Marketing Campaigns

Building an effective email campaign isn’t intuitive. However, by applying a few basic principles, you’ll be able to reach more potential customers, engage more subscribers, and convert more interest into sales.

1. Focus on Subject Lines

Subject lines might just be the most important element of a marketing email. No matter how compelling the copy or how powerful the call to action, if recipients don’t actually open the email, they’ll never get to the good stuff.

According to an article by Campaign Monitor, there are several subject line strategies that can enhance your emails’ chances of being seen. Choose the one that best fits your brand’s style, your end goal, and your target customer. Your internal customer data may lead to targeting segmented groups with varying subject lines for the same marketing email.

Subject Lines That Get More Clicks

Subject Line TypeExplanationExample 1Example 2
AnnouncementUse words like “new” or “introducing” to share information.Introducing a New Way to Find a Dog SitterCheck Out the New Designs in Our Print Shop
CuriosityPique the recipient’s interest with a cliffhanger to increase click-throughs.This One Easy Fix Will Revolutionize your Commute8 out of 10 Coffee Drinkers Prefer this Creamer
Numbers and DataCustomers respond better to marketing that contains numbers.10 Travel Tours You Can Book Today3 Easy Steps to Improve your Press Releases
ScarcityImpose a time or resource limit to encourage action.Hurry! 2 Days Left for 50% Off Clearance!Free Shipping Ends Wednesday
QuestionAsk a relatable question or one that sparks curiosity.Do You Have Trouble Staying Asleep?Does Your Closet Work for You?
How-to/DIYTeach readers something they didn’t know or how to do something better.How to Fall Asleep FasterDIY Tie-Dye Projects You Can Do with Your Kids

2. Segment Email Marketing Lists

Targeting your email marketing campaigns to specific groups can increase open rates by about 14% and decrease unsubscribe rates by just under 10%, according to data released by MailChimp. It makes sense: People are more likely to respond to a message that feels personal rather than generic or gimmicky.

Go beyond age and gender demographics, and dive into your marketing data to designate key categories. Consider targeting segments such as new subscribers, or grouping based on interests, preferences, activity level, and abandoned shopping cart. The more targeted an email is, the better.

3. Send Mobile-Friendly Emails

It should come as no surprise that most emails are opened on a mobile device, typically a smartphone. The statistics behind this are quite eye-opening. Litmus Software reported that emails opened on mobile devices account for more than 40% of all email opens, higher than both webmail and desktop opens. It’s crucial, then, that the emails you send are mobile-friendly.

Constant Contact outlined these best practices for creating these mobile-friendly emails:

Improve Your Marketing Skills

Email marketing is a powerful tool that can help you get your message out to an almost unlimited number of recipients. Targeting your email lists to various segments can result in a better conversion rate. Elements like compelling copy, eye-catching subject lines, and mobile-friendly emails will give you an edge when it comes to running an effective email marketing campaign.

No matter how you are targeting potential customers, an effective marketing campaign is one that makes it clear that you understand what drives consumers. Become an expert and improve your skills with an online MBA from Virginia Wesleyan University. Our program gives you the flexibility and hands-on attention you need to get the most out of your education. Graduates are able to go on to careers in entrepreneurship, management, public relations and more. Plus, it’s one of the most affordable programs in the region.

This content was originally published here.

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