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Redisseny de llocs web per a empreses a empreses
- Project Name: Redesign of Company Website
- Client: Sistemes de transaccions de pagament
- Project Commencement Date: -
- Project Completion Date: -
- Project url:
Destaca un nou lloc web dinàmic, infon confiança als seus clients comercials i atrau nous negocis.
Project Overview
Payment Transaction Systems came to Elavend looking for a website that would stand out among other business financial websites. La majoria de llocs web del seu sector són empreses bancàries amb un sistema lent, llocs web avorrits i inflats. Payment Transaction Systems also wanted to focus on attracting new customers and make it easy to become customers.
The Process
Elavend took on the challenge.
- We analysed Payment Transaction System’s competition
- We created a design and marketing strategy
- We implemented, launched and continue to make their online presence work for their business
We Provided
- Fast and secure Website hosting
- Continued website monitoring
- Website design
- Website content (Tots)
- Blog content
- Marketing content
- All photos, videos were provided by Elavend
- Digital forms
- newsletter opt-in
- Click to call function
- Call to actions
- ….and more
The result
Payment Transaction Systems now has a fast, modern, website that stands out among their competition while adhering to online marketing best practices to attract new customers.
- Providing all materials, labor equipment.
- Worked on budget
- Completed on time
- Ongoing maintenance