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Màrqueting digital per a editor romàntic
- Project Name: Full Digital Marketing For Romance Company
- Client: Romance Publishing Company
- Project Commencement Date: March 2018
- Project Completion Date: Febrer 2019
Project Overview
A well rounded plan that hits different areas of reaching their ideal authors and readers, engaging with them and promoting and getting book sales for their authors and Publishing company.
Lloc web
- Optimize website for SEO and ease of use.
- Full Website analysis & recommended updates
Email Marketing
- Create email marketing lists for **** publisher and individual authors
- create signup forms and pop ups for mail lists to grow email subscriber list
- Run contests and giveaways to grow email subscriber list
- Send out promotional and contact emails to lists. (You can share news, blurbs, new releases, and we will format and send to your list)
Social Media Management
- Manage social media pages
- Share content on all pages and keep them updated and current.
- Engage audience with questions, games, meme’s, excerpts, videos.
- Compartir ****** publishing news
- Compartir ****** Author publishing news
Community Building & Management
- Create a ***** Publishing Group on Facebook
- Recruit members (readers)
- Engage with readers
- Run Facebook live’s in the group
- Offer incentives to readers (discounts, special offers, etc.)
- Recruit a street team for promotion of books and ***** Publications
Video Creation
Create video book trailers for authors based on book blurbs
Graphics and Marketing Material
Create marketing graphics
Gestió d’anuncis de Facebook
- Configure and manage facebook ad management for book launches and promotions
- Daily ad management