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Digital Marketing For Romance Publisher
- Project Name: Full Digital Marketing For Romance Company
- Client: Romance Publishing Company
- Project Commencement Date: March 2018
- Project Completion Date: February 2019
Project Overview
A well rounded plan that hits different areas of reaching their ideal authors and readers, engaging with them and promoting and getting book sales for their authors and Publishing company.
- Optimize website for SEO and ease of use.
- Full Website analysis & recommended updates
Email Marketing
- Create email marketing lists for **** publisher and individual authors
- create signup forms and pop ups for mail lists to grow email subscriber list
- Run contests and giveaways to grow email subscriber list
- Send out promotional and contact emails to lists. (You can share news, blurbs, new releases, and we will format and send to your list)
Social Media Management
- Manage social media pages
- Share content on all pages and keep them updated and current.
- Engage audience with questions, games, meme’s, excerpts, videos.
- Share ****** publishing news
- Share ****** Author publishing news
Community Building & Management
- Create a ***** Publishing Group on Facebook
- Recruit members (readers)
- Engage with readers
- Run Facebook live’s in the group
- Offer incentives to readers (discounts, special offers, etc)
- Recruit a street team for promotion of books and ***** Publications
Video Creation
Create video book trailers for authors based on book blurbs
Graphics and Marketing Material
Create marketing graphics
Facebook Ad Management
- Configure and manage facebook ad management for book launches and promotions
- Daily ad management